
Do you enjoy a fun collaboration? What a coincidence! So do I.

Get in touch, and let’s talk about it.

I don’t bite…because then the ‘Rona would kill us both.

A few minor house keeping notes:

-*For book related queries, please direct your messages to my publicist at Catapult, Megan Fishmann*:

-If you’ve read my “Black in Berlin” piece in Handelsblatt, thank you very much. That’s an important piece to me, and I sincerely hope you’ve found it helpful. Having said that, please understand if I don’t want to meet up with you to discuss racial violence and experiences further, because of the emotional labor it requires to do so. I know that it’s important, but that doesn’t mean it qualifies as a particularly fun extracurricular activity.

-Requests to “hang out” without any context or messages containing invasive personal questions (particularly in regards to articles I’ve written on abuse) will be ignored. You’re a stranger on the internet, and my mama raised me better than that.

-I don’t work for free. If you want to know my rates, I’ll be happy to share them with you.

-I reserve the right to share hate mail for public derision on social media.

-These messages are sent to my assistant, Karolina. She will correspond directly with potential collaborators on my behalf.

Be gentle. I’m sensitive.